Weekly Bulletin for parents and carers, 18 November
Dear parents and carers,
Welcome to this week's bulletin.
📅 Upcoming dates for your diary
Year 7 dates and information
A note on Free School Meals. Please note that if your child had Free School Meals at primary school, this does not carry over to secondary school. Please re-apply using this link.
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 6 March, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 29 January
Year 7 Heads of Year: Mrs S Fitzgerald and Mrs E McClean - manc-y7@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 8 dates and information
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 26 June, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 29 January
Year 8 Heads of Year: Ms M Bretherton and Miss S Saeed- manc-y8@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 9 dates and information
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 23 January, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 22 January
Year 9 Heads of Year: Miss J Roberts - manc-y9@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 10 dates and information
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 24 April 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 27 November
Year 10 Heads of Year: Mr A Poole and Miss M Rehman - manc-y10@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 11 dates and information
Bury College have asked us to let you know that Bury College’s priority application deadline for
September 2025 is fast approaching on the 25th November. They have an Open Event Saturday 23rd November. burycollege.ac.uk/about-us/how-to-apply
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Thursday 12 December - Year 11 Progress Evening - bookings will open around 2 weeks before the event
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 12 December, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 4 December
Year 11 Heads of Year: Mr K Hughes and Ms P Jackson- manc-y11@coopacademies.co.u
Term dates for 2025-2026 now published
You can now find the dates of holidays and terms for the next school year on our term dates page and a printable download is also available.
We hope that parents and carers will appreciate the two training days scheduled for Thursday 23 and Friday 24 October - just before the half term. This means there is an opportunity for families to go away before other schools close which may offer some savings.
News: lucky students attend the MTV EMAs
Year 10 and Year 11 students and staff recently attended the glittering 2024 MTV EMA Awards at the UK's largest entertainment arena, Co-op Live.
This was one of the prizes from our regular Golden Ticket draws. Every lesson a golden ticket is handed out, giving students the chance to win great prizes.
Extra-curricular club of the week - Netball Club
When: Mondays for Years 7, 8 and 9. Approximately 3pm - 4pm.
Where: Netball court
Netball Club has really taken off this academic year. The courts are always alive with activity on a Monday after school. All students are welcome, even if you have never played before.
Lots of matches have been organised against local schools, with a great start to the season for the Year 9s with a victory over King David School.
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