Weekly Bulletin for parents and carers, 28 October
Welcome back to a new half-term.
📅 Upcoming dates for your diary
Year 7 dates and information
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers (details below)
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (details below)
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 6 March, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 22 January
Year 7 Heads of Year: Mrs S Fitzgerald and Mrs E McClean - manc-y7@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 8 dates and information
📅 Tuesday 5 November - catch-up session for HPV vaccinations
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers (details below)
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (details below)
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 26 June, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 22 January
Year 8 Heads of Year: Ms M Bretherton and Miss S Saeed- manc-y8@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 9 dates and information
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers (details below)
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (details below)
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 23 January, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 22 January
Year 9 Heads of Year: Miss J Roberts and Mr C Baltazar - manc-y9@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 10 dates and information
📅 Monday 28 October - start of Year 11 assessment week
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers (details below)
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (details below)
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 24 April 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 27 November
Year 10 Heads of Year: Mr A Poole and Miss M Rehman - manc-y10@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 11 dates and information
📅 Monday 28 October - start of Year 11 mock exams. [Timetable]
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers (details below)
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (details below)
📅 Thursday 12 December - Year 11 Progress Evening - bookings will open around 2 weeks before the event
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 12 December, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 4 December
Year 11 Heads of Year: Mr K Hughes and Ms P Jackson- manc-y11@coopacademies.co.uk
SEND Coffee Mornings
We are hosting a series of SEND Coffee Mornings as part of the Autism in Schools project. We aim to:
- Support parents and carers of children with SEND by connecting them to Manchester Parent Carer Forum and other families;
- Share feedback about what’s going well and what could be even better;
- Offer a chance to hear about and help shape developments from the SEND offer at Co-op Academy Manchester.
The dates for the year are:
- Thursday 7 November 2024, 9:15 - 11am
- Thursday 9 January 2025, 9:15 - 11am
- Thursday 27 February 2025, 9:15 - 11am
- Thursday 1 May 2025, 9:15 - 11am
- Thursday 12 June 2025, 9:15 - 11am
Extra-curricular club of the week - Chess Club
When: Tuesdays after school (3-4pm, all year round)
Where: Humanities
All years and abilities are welcome to join this club, run by History Teacher Mr Harris. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a Grand Master! Chess club allows you and your friends to play some casual games of chess as well as opportunities to win some prizes through chess tournaments throughout the year.
Flu vaccinations offered for all students (3 December)
Parents and carers are asked to complete the form below to indicate if they do or do not consent to their child having a flu vaccination. The deadline is midnight, 11 November.
The vaccination in most cases is given by a simple spray up the nose. For those parents/guardians who object to the nasal vaccine on the grounds of porcine gelatine content or dietary requirements, an alternative vaccination (injection) is also available.
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Credits: Photo accompanying vaccination article by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash