Weekly Bulletin for parents and carers, 4 November
Welcome to this week's bulletin.
📅 Upcoming dates for your diary
Year 7 dates and information
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers, 9:15 - 11am
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 6 March, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 22 January
Year 7 Heads of Year: Mrs S Fitzgerald and Mrs E McClean - manc-y7@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 8 dates and information
📅 Tuesday 5 November - catch-up session for HPV vaccinations
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers, 9:15 - 11am
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 26 June, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 22 January
Year 8 Heads of Year: Ms M Bretherton and Miss S Saeed- manc-y8@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 9 dates and information
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers, 9:15 - 11am
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 23 January, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 22 January
Year 9 Heads of Year: Miss J Roberts and Mr C Baltazar - manc-y9@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 10 dates and information
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers, 9:15 - 11am
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 24 April 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 27 November
Year 10 Heads of Year: Mr A Poole and Miss M Rehman - manc-y10@coopacademies.co.uk
Year 11 dates and information
The Manchester College is holding a live online parent event on 12th November, which is focusing on how to complete college applications. Find out more at tmc.ac.uk/events/couch2college
Bury College have asked us to let you know that Bury College’s priority application deadline for
September 2025 is fast approaching on the 25th November. They have an Open Event Saturday 23rd November. burycollege.ac.uk/about-us/how-to-apply
📅 This week - Year 11 mock exams continue. [Timetable]
📅 Thursday 7 November - SEND Coffee Morning for parents & carers, 9:15 - 11am
📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)
📅 Thursday 12 December - Year 11 Progress Evening - bookings will open around 2 weeks before the event
📅 Tuesday 17 December - Festive Concert. More details nearer the time.
📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:55pm
Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 12 December, 4-7pm
Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 4 December
Year 11 Heads of Year: Mr K Hughes and Ms P Jackson- manc-y11@coopacademies.co.u
Odd Socks Day - Tuesday 12th November
Odd Socks Day marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week. Odd Socks Day 2024 is taking place on Tuesday 12th November. It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!
Students and staff we be encouraged to wear odd socks on this day as part of our Anti-Bullying Week activities that will include special assemblies and tutor time tasks.
Helping your child with homework
The new Knowledge Expert Sheets for this half-term are now online at manchester.coopacademies.co.uk/homework#KES. Students have been given a hard copy and these are also available to download at home.
🎥 Video - What are Knowledge Expert Sheets?
Reminder: we expect every student, every day to complete:
- 10 minutes of revision and rehearsal using Knowledge Expert Sheets;
- 10 minutes of careful reading using the online platform Sparx Reader;
- 10 minutes of maths practice using the online platform Sparx Maths
Extra-curricular club of the week - Eco Club
When: Mondays and Tuesdays after school (3-4pm, all year round)
Where: Science
All years are welcome to join this club. Our mission is to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss across the academy and the wider community.
Road safety
We are working in partnership with Acorn the union on a road safety project.
Please complete the survey
Parents Community Meeting
WHEN: Wednesday 6th November, 5.30 - 7.30 pm
WHERE: Higher Blackley Community Centre, Victoria Ave, M9 0RA
WHAT: Have your say and improve the safety of streets
around your school. Food and Childcare provided.
Notification of intention to process students’ biometric information and consent - parents and carers are asked to read the information for their reference.
Dear parent/carer
Although we obtained consent to process your child’s biometric information at the time of admission to the academy, we are writing to give you further details about biometric information and how we handle this data.
Co-op Academy Manchester wishes to use information about your child as part of an automated (i.e. electronically operated) recognition system. This is for the purposes of providing catering services. The information from your child that we wish to use is referred to as ‘biometric information’ (see next paragraph). Under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (sections 26 to 28), we are required to notify each parent of a child and obtain the written consent of at least one parent before being able to use a child’s biometric information for an automated system.
Biometric information and how it will be used
Biometric information is information about a person that can be used to identify them, for example, information from their fingerprint. The academy would like to take and use information from your child’s fingerprint and use this information for the purpose of providing your child with catering services.
The information will be used as part of an automated biometric recognition system. This system will take measurements of your child’s fingerprint and convert these measurements into a template to be stored on the system. An image of your child’s fingerprint is not stored. The template (ie. measurements taken from your child’s fingerprint) is what will be used to permit your child to access services.
You should note that the law places specific requirements on schools when using personal information, such as biometric information, about students for the purposes of an automated biometric recognition system. For example:
- The academy cannot use the information for any purpose other than those for which it was originally obtained and made known to the parents.
- The academy must ensure that the information is stored securely.
- The academy must tell you what it intends to do with the information. Unless the law allows it, the academy cannot disclose personal information to another person/body – you should note that the only person/body that the academy wishes to share the information with is Taylor Shaw and Cunninghams - the companies that provide the catering services and the automated system.
Providing your consent / objecting to the use of biometric data
In order to be able to use your child’s biometric information, the written consent of at least one parent is required. However, consent given by one parent will be overridden if the other parent objects in writing to the use of their child’s biometric information. Similarly, if your child objects to this, the academy must not collect or use their biometric information for inclusion on the automated recognition system. You can also object to the proposed processing of your child’s biometric information at a later stage or withdraw any consent you have previously given. This means that, if you give consent but later change your mind, you can withdraw this consent.
Please note that any consent, withdrawal of consent or objection from a parent must be in writing. Even if you have consented, your child can object or refuse at any time to their biometric information being taken/used. Your child’s objection does not need to be in writing. We would appreciate it if you could discuss this with your child and explain to them that they can object to this if they wish. The academy is also happy to answer any questions you or your child may have. If you do not wish your child’s biometric information to be processed by the academy, or your child objects to such processing, the law says that we must provide reasonable alternative arrangements for children who are not going to use the automated system to access the catering services.
You will already have given your consent, or objected, to the processing of your child’s biometric information at the time of them being admitted to the academy. Therefore there is no further action required from you. This letter is just to ensure that you are aware of what we do with your child’s biometric information and to make it clear that you can withdraw consent at any point in the future.
Please note that when your child leaves the academy, or if for some other reason they cease to use the biometric system, their biometric data will be securely deleted.
Yours sincerely
Ruth Brice
Data Protection Ambassador
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Credits: Photo accompanying vaccination article by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash