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Bookings now open for Year 11 Progress Evening

Our teachers are looking forward to meeting you at our Year 11 Progress Evening on Thursday 12 December, between 4 and 7pm.

This is an in-person event taking place at the academy. 


It is absolutely essential that you attend this evening where you will speak with your child’s teachers about their academic progress in school.

Please note that you will only be able to see teachers who you have made an appointment with. 

The event will take place in the Theatre, Maths, Humanities and MFL zones. We recommend that you give yourself time between appointments to travel between these areas.

In addition to the progress meetings with teachers, we will have:

  • SEND drop in - an opportunity for you to speak to a member of our SEND team to make sure your child’s needs are being supported
  • Head of Year appointments/drop in - an opportunity to speak to one of your child’s Heads of Year
  • PSHE information - a member of our PSHE team will be present to discuss how we teach Personal, Social, Health Education
  • Free refreshment will be served throughout the evening.


Action needed:

Please log in to our booking system and make appointments with the teachers you want to speak to. 

How to log in: 

You will need to visit the Schoolcloud Parents Evening System and log in. For many families, this is as simple as entering your name and your child’s name. 


You may wish to view the step-by-step instructions on booking appointments.


If you have any issues logging in, it is likely that the way you are entering your name or your child’s name does not exactly match our school database. Please refer to the text messages we sent along with this letter as they will display the names as you will need to enter them. 

If you have any further difficulties, please contact reception, who will be able to assist you. They may be able to make appointments on your behalf.


Yours sincerely,

David Scott

Vice Principal