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Weekly Bulletin for parents and carers, 2 December

Dear parents and carers, welcome to this week's update.

⚠️ Please note - on the last day of term Friday 20 December - we will be finishing for students slightly earlier at 2:30pm.

On another note, we ask that students do not bring hot water bottles into school. Although the weather is getting colder, we want to ensure that there is no risk of burning or risk of slips from spillage of hot water. 

📅 Upcoming dates for your diary

Year 7 dates and information

A note on Free School Meals. Please note that if your child had Free School Meals at primary school, this does not carry over to secondary school. Please re-apply using this link

📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)

📅 Tuesday 17 December - Christmas Concert.  6.00pm - 8.00pm

📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:30pm

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 6 March, 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 29 January

Year 7 Heads of Year: Mrs S Fitzgerald and Mrs E McClean -

Year 8 dates and information

📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)

📅 Tuesday 17 December - Christmas Concert.  6.00pm - 8.00pm

📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:30pm

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 26 June, 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 29 January

Year 8 Heads of Year: Ms M Bretherton and Miss S Saeed- 

Year 9 dates and information

📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)

📅 Tuesday 17 December - Christmas Concert.  6.00pm - 8.00pm

📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:30pm

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 23 January, 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 22 January

Year 9 Heads of Year: Miss J Roberts -

Year 10 dates and information

📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)

📅 Tuesday 17 December - Christmas Concert.  6.00pm - 8.00pm 

📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:30pm

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 24 April 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 2 April

Year 10 Heads of Year: Mr A Poole and Miss M Rehman - 

Year 11 dates and information


📅 Tuesday 3 December - Flu vaccinations (e-Consent form)

📅 Thursday 12 December - Year 11 Progress Evening - bookings are now open via SchoolCloud. 

📅 Tuesday 17 December - Christmas Concert.  6.00pm - 8.00pm

📅 Friday 20 December - school closes for the Christmas holiday, 2:30pm

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 12 December, 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 4 December

Year 11 Heads of Year: Mr K Hughes and Ms P Jackson-


Catering newsletter

Celebrating the success of our budding writers

Some of our students are now published authors after taking part in the First Story Young Writers Programme.


Knit and Natter

Extra-curricular club of the week - Boys Football Clubs

When: Fixture dates spread throughout the Manchester Schools football season (September - April) 
Where: Home (Academy Football Pitch) or Away

Our teams bring together some of the finest players at the academy to compete in the Manchester Schools Football League and Cup, where they compete against local rivals, or teams further afield in the city.



Christmas Concert

Christmas Concert

When: Tuesday 17 December  6.00pm - 8.00pm
Where: Academy Theatre

You are invited to join us for an evening of festive music in our Academy Theatre.

Tickets are free. Please click the button below to book your place.


Class of 2024 collect their GCSE certificates at special presentation evening



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