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Weekly Bulletin for parents and carers, 13 January

Dear parents and carers, welcome to this week's update.

We have been asked to share some information about school buses from the Bee Network. There is information about about services including the 708 that serves our pupils. There have been some changes to payment options available to young people which you can find out about here. 

📅 Upcoming dates for your diary

Year 7 dates and information

📅 Wednesday 5 February - opening night for our school show, Matilda [tickets]

📅 Friday 14 February - school closes at 2:55pm for half-term break

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 6 March, 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 29 January

Year 7 Heads of Year: Mrs S Fitzgerald and Mrs E McClean -

Year 8 dates and information

📅 Wednesday 5 February - opening night for our school show, Matilda [tickets]

📅 Friday 14 February - school closes at 2:55pm for half-term break

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 26 June, 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 29 January

Year 8 Heads of Year: Ms M Bretherton and Miss S Saeed- 

Year 9 dates and information

📅 Thursday 23 January - Year 9 Progress Evening, 4pm - 7pm - we are sending a separate letter later today.

📅 Wednesday 5 February - opening night for our school show, Matilda [tickets]

📅 Thursday 6 February - Year 9 Options Evening, 4pm - 6pm [options website]

📅 Friday 14 February - school closes at 2:55pm for half-term break

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 22 January

Year 9 Heads of Year: Miss J Roberts & Ms P Jackson -

Year 10 dates and information

📅 Wednesday 5 February - opening night for our school show, Matilda [tickets]

📅 Friday 14 February - school closes at 2:55pm for half-term break

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 24 April 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 2 April

Year 10 Heads of Year: Mr A Poole and Miss M Rehman - 

Year 11 dates and information


📅 Thursday 16 January - Revision Fair 2.45pm - 3.45pm. Parents are welcome to attend from 3.00pm - 3.45pm.

📅 Wednesday 29 January - Start of mock exams - we are sending a separate letter about this later today

📅 Wednesday 5 February - opening night for our school show, Matilda [tickets]

📅 Friday 14 February - school closes at 2:55pm for half-term break

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 19 March

Year 11 Heads of Year: Mr K Hughes-


Minecraft Club photo


For our next Rewards Events, students will need to have completed homework as well as having an excellent record of attendance and behaviour. 

Our approach is simple and we have loads of videos and resources for parents and carers on our homework page. 

We expect every student, every day to complete:
1️⃣ 10 minutes of revision using knowledge expert sheets
1️⃣ 10 minutes of Sparx Reader
1️⃣ 10 minutes of Sparx Maths



Matilda promotional image

Extra-curricular club of the week -Matilda

We are well into rehearsals for this year's academy production of Matilda. Pupils are already finding their characters, rehearsing scenes, singing songs and learning the energetic dance routines.

This already promises to be a showstopping performance presented by these “revolting children” in February 2025.



Cashless catering

We are phasing out cash payments in the academy. 

Although we accept cash as present, we do ask all parents and carers to join Arbor. To log in, you must use the email address we have on our database for you. 

Web portal ➡️ or Download the app for iOS (Apple/iPhone) | download the app for Android (Google Play Store)

Here is a useful guide on how to top-up your child's lunch money. 


Careers information for parents and carers

Matt Leigh from the Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge (ASK) programme will be delivering the following sessions about apprenticeships.

Parent and carer session:

3 March, 18:00 – 19:00, online

In addition, there are other events on this poster that may be interesting to you. 




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