Uniform shows that we are in a community. Wearing it says we’re all in this together.
Below you will find a guide to our compulsory uniform and where to buy it.
You may also wish to read our full Uniform Policy.
Our uniform includes:
- black academy blazer showing the Co-op Academy Manchester logo
- an academy tie
- white shirt with a collar (not a polo shirt)
- black trousers or a pleated, plain black and knee length skirt (touching the knee cap when standing). Trousers and skirts must not be Lycra, denim or similar stretchy/skin-tight material.
- plain black socks, knee or ankle length
- plain black shoes (No trainers, pumps, canvas, patterns or accessories or excessive decorative features). Shoes should not be on or above the ankle (i.e. no boots).
Students can choose to wear the following optional items, if they wish:
- academy black jumper with red stripe
- a plain black or plain white headscarf (for Muslim students)
Sports kit
- academy short-sleeved polo shirt and long-sleeved multi-top.
- academy shorts
- suitable trainers
Students can choose to wear the following optional items for PE, if they wish: - academy tracksuit bottoms (from the academy uniform shop)
- academy leggings (from the academy uniform shop)
- It is highly advised that students bring shin pads for practical PE lessons and gumshields when taking part in Rugby.
Where can I buy the uniform?
New Year 7 students are invited to a special uniform collection day before the start of Year 7. As your child outgrows their uniform or needs new items, you can purchase new items from reception.
We will soon be setting up a new way for you to pay for the items below online:
- academy blazers
- academy ties
- academy V-neck jumpers
- academy multi-sports tops for PE lessons
- academy polo shirts for PE lessons
- academy shorts for PE lessons
- academy leggings or tracksuit bottoms for PE lessons
A note on jewellery and hairstyles
Please be aware of the following rules regarding jewellery and hairstyles:
- a watch and a small pair of stud earrings (1 in each lobe) are the only jewellery to be worn in the academy.
- ear ‘gauging’ (stretched ear lobes) is not allowed.
- hair bands are to be discreet and either black or dark navy blue.
- no facial/body piercings are allowed.
- for health and safety reasons all jewellery must be removed during PE lessons and hair tied back
- hair colour must be of a ‘natural’ colour with no extreme haircuts/styles
Our Uniform Exchange
Sharing preloved uniform - protect the planet, and your pockets.