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Weekly Bulletin for parents and carers, 10 March

Dear parents and carers, please find this week's bulletin below.

We wish a continued Ramadan Mubarak to all of our students and families who are observing this holy month.

📅 Upcoming dates for your diary

Year 7 dates and information

📅 Thursday 20 March - a special Progress Evening for parents/carers of any children with SEND - please book appointments via Arbor

📅 Friday 4 April - we finish for the Easter holiday at 2:55pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Thursday 8 May

Year 7 Heads of Year: Mrs S Fitzgerald and Mr Z Uldin -

Year 8 dates and information

📅 Thursday 20 March - a special Progress Evening for parents/carers of any children with SEND - please book appointments via Arbor

📅 Friday 4 April - we finish for the Easter holiday at 2:55pm

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 26 June, 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Thursday 8 May

Year 8 Heads of Year: Mrs C Downend and Ms S Saeed - 

Year 9 dates and information

📅 Thursday 20 March - a special Progress Evening for parents/carers of any children with SEND - please book appointments via Arbor

📅 Friday 4 April - we finish for the Easter holiday at 2:55pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 18 June

Year 9 Heads of Year: Miss J Roberts & Mr J Carroll -

Year 10 dates and information

Our Careers Advisors have put together a list of college open days that are recommended for current Year 10 students. Download it as a PDF here.

📅 Thursday 20 March - a special Progress Evening for parents/carers of any children with SEND - please book appointments via Arbor

📅 Friday 4 April - we finish for the Easter holiday at 2:55pm

Your child's next Progress Evening where you can meet your child's teachers: Thursday 24 April 4-7pm

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 2 April

Year 10 Heads of Year: Miss M Rehman and Mrs J Taiwo - 

Year 11 dates and information

📅 Tuesday 18th March - Year 11 will receive their mock exam results. These will be given out at a special morning that will be run in the same way as the real results day in August. There will be colleges / staff on hand to offer support and guidance

📅 Thursday 20 March - a special Progress Evening for parents/carers of any children with SEND - please book appointments via Arbor

📅 Friday 4 April - we finish for the Easter holiday at 2:55pm

📅 Save the date - Thursday 3 July - Prom. We have sent a separate letter with the details on this. 

📅 Save the date - Thursday 21 August - national GCSE Results Day. Students will be invited to collect results in person. 

Your child's next report will be sent: Wednesday 19 March

Year 11 Heads of Year: Mr K Hughes and Ms P Jackson -

Table explaining the booster sessions available. Students are also told about these in school time.


Poster advertising our SEND parents coffee mornings

SEND Progress Evening

We are holding a special in-person event for parents and carers who have a child on our SEND Register. You will be able to make an appointment to speak to your child's keyworker.

Appointments can be made through Arbor. We have sent an email to all those families whose child has an assigned keyworker. Please get in touch if you haven't seen it or have any questions. 


Icon promoting Trust production of Sweeney Todd featuring a barber's blade

Poverty Proofing © the School Day & our Community Fridge

We are working with external experts to "Poverty Proof the School Day". You can find out more by reading the letter below and we would love for our families to fill in this survey.

Letter re: poverty proofing

Dear Parents/Carers,

We all know that rising costs of living, job losses and stagnant wages are placing a lot of pressure
on family finances and that the pandemic has exacerbated this for many. We are working with
your school as it strives to remove any barriers to children’s learning, ensuring pressure on
household income doesn’t have a negative impact on any child’s education.

We are currently working in Co-op Academy Manchester to support the school to ‘Poverty Proof
the School Day’. This means your school is looking to ensure that every child has the same
opportunities throughout the school day. We are speaking to all pupils, teachers and governors
and would like to get your views as parents/carers too. We will be discussing things such as access
to trips, after school clubs and music tuition, the costs of uniform, how free school meals are
administered and how children access food during the school day. 

I will be in school week commencing 3 rd March 2025 and it would be great to get the views of as
many parents/carers as possible. It would be really useful if you could fill in the attached
questionnaire and send it in with your child or use the following link:

We would be grateful if you could submit your responses by Friday 14th March.

We will be working with the school to address the issues raised. All responses are anonymous and
you do not have to give your name.

Yours sincerely,
George Gardner
Poverty Proofing© Co-ordinator

This seems like a good time to remind our community that our Community Fridge is open to everyone, 3:15pm - 4pm on Mondays during term time. 



Image of a pupil

Sporting success

👟 Recently our Year 7 team put in a brilliant performance at the Trust's Greater Manchester indoor athletics competition!

🥈 Girls - 2nd place
🥉 Boys - 3rd place

We love sharing these kinds of news stories on our social media, so please do follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.



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