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Equality Objectives

Equality Objectives

Policy details

Date created - September 2022

Date reviewed - September 2023

Date approved - 4 October 2023

Next review date - Autumn term 2026

Policy owner - Vice Principal - Curriculum (David Scott)

Objective 1: Attainment and Outcomes

Objective 2: Attendance

Objective 3: Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Objective 1: Attainment and Outcomes

Measured by:

  • externally validated results
  • internal academy tracking data

To narrow the achievement gap between Pupil Premium and non-Pupil Premium students in English and Maths and ensure that barriers to achievement are tackled.

To analyse achievement data by all key student groupings in order to identify and address any issues of under-achievement at student group level.

To track destination data to ensure all students are equally successful in accessing further education / apprentice / training or employment.

Objective 2: Attendance

Measured by:

  • Department for Education census return
  • external validated data
  • internal academy data

To track student attendance by all key student groups and put specific plans in place to address any emerging trends.

To track those in PA or at risk of becoming PA by all key student groups and to take positive action to avoid any and all instances of this, regarding student characteristics.

Objective 3: Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Measured by:

  • Student Voice
  • Annual Survey
  • comparative data of racist incidents

To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through the teaching of academy assemblies, educational visits, external speakers and extra-curricular provision with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.

To increase understanding between religious groups.

To anticipate and support the needs of incoming students from a new group e.g. English as an Additional Language and traveller students.

To develop and champion equality across the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Questioning +) agenda so that the academy is fully inclusive.